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Question: The Qur’an relates Satan’s rebellion against God as follows: “Of Your servants I will surely take a share to be assigned to me (by .....
Question: In one of his sayings, the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stated that his followers would not abandon four characteristics of .....
Question: The noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stated that his supplications to God about his followers not being destroyed by a wholesale .....
Question: Islam contains the principles for leading a completely “balanced” life. From this perspective, what is your evaluation of the place and position of the .....
Question: No matter how transparently the Hizmet volunteers act, those who have a fixed and dark prejudice and conditioned mindset, keep repeating claims such as, .....
Question: There have been claims that the Hizmet Movement has infiltrated and attempted to seize the state in Turkey. Although Hizmet volunteers and those closely .....
Question: In his work, Gulistan, Sheikh Sadi states: “Be soil, so that you grow roses; nothing other than soil can grow roses.” What meanings does .....
Question: Certain groups of people are taking every possible opportunity to fabricate allegations and slander about the Hizmet volunteers in an effort to distract people .....
Question: What are the lessons today’s believers should draw from the following Divine message: “Believers should not go forth to war all together. But why .....
Question: As the Qur’an states, the Pharaoh tried to make Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, seem like a scheming person with a secret agenda. .....
Question: Why are we not as concerned as we should be, in spite of the heart-rending incidents we encounter every day in our world? How .....
Question: As it is stated in a saying of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, with reference to a self-righteous person, .....
Question: You have stated that, “Islam, the All-Mighty Creator’s greatest and universal gift to all, can be actualized through being human in the true sense; .....
Question: Could you elucidate what you mean by having immense horizons of thought? How is it possible to attain this? Answer: First of all, it .....
Question: Could you elucidate the messages conveyed by the verse, “They have no true judgment of God, such as His being God requires, and (such .....
Question: History shows that there has been a considerable number of people who were contemporaries of great personages, and even lived in their proximity, but .....
Question: What are the greatest obstacles faced by the volunteers who wish to share with others the inspirations of their souls and the beauties of .....
Question: It is stated that deepening one’s relationship with God and servanthood to Him can be possible by knowing and discovering oneself. Could you elucidate .....
Question: You state in your talks that the services carried out so far needed many factors and apparent causes in order to become real; that .....
Question: What is the significance of altruism in solving humanity’s problems? How can this virtue be acquired? Answer: The Islamic term for altruism, “ithar” means .....